Sunday, May 10, 2015

Rory McIlroy & Tiger Woods - Downswing for a Long Bunker Shot - The Players 2015

Most high handicap golfers have some trouble making good contact in long bunker shot situations. 

Remember to hit down on the ball to get ball contact first and take a divot (sand) after impact. (See the video's below - Tiger Woods Golf Swing and Rory McIlroy Golf Swing) 

Some extra training tips:

  • move the ball back in the stance (train yourself to make ball contact first);
  • keep the weight more on the LEFT foot (right-handed players);
  • think of DELOFTING the club during impact;
  • take some extra loft (eg. 9 iron instead of an 8 iron) to compensate the lower ball flight after impact;
  • PRACTICE these shots! It won't hurt you to spent more time in a range bunker. It will help to improve your impact on fairway shots.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rory McIlroy Slow Motion Impact - The Players 2015

Look,... if you think you can learn to strike a golfball on mats...forget it...

See the impact video below (Rory McIlroy Golf Swing at the Players 2015).

I will explain more on impact later.


Tiger Woods - Downhill Lobshot - The Players 2015

Always great to see Tiger Woods fighting his way around the course. I have to admit, he stays one of my favorite athletes.

Watch the video (Tiger Woods Golf Swing) below and next time you end up with a downhill lie on the course make sure to check this:

  • make sure the HIPS are as parallel to the surface below your feet as you can get. So almost all your weight will be on your lowest foot. 
  • This will help getting the clubarc correctly to the ball without hitting the ground first!
